
分类栏目:平面设计 - 包装设计

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《紫氣東來》利是封套裝,是本公司與友邦洋紙聯合推出的節日精品,由澳門設計師龔芷茵及黃偵富設計,曾榮獲香港014「智營禮品大賞」銀奬、評審團大奬及台灣2014「金點設計獎」。《紫氣東來》是一款新潮的內外封結構利是封,運用色彩繽紛的Astrobrights ® papers,配搭出十六款不同的色彩組合。外封使用了類似剪紙的技法模仿窗格效果,每款分別隱藏了「紫」、「氣」、「東」、「來」四字,重疊後即重現祝賀語「紫氣東來」,寓意祥兆降臨、吉祥如意。內封運用了中國西藏「八吉祥」的八寶圖案,即:輪、螺、傘、蓋、花、瓶、魚及結,有吉祥、圓滿和好運等意思。

We created the“Auspicious Red Pockets Made with Astrobright® Paper” to be used for cash gifts or lucky pockets, they come in a variety of beautiful colors and are designed with crafty outer jackets. Each jacket features one word. The four words are: “Purple 紫” a symbol of royalty and prosperity, “Air  氣” an energy and aura, “East 東” an equivalent for home, and “Arrive 來” the feeling of presence. The jackets can be overlapped and the resulting phrase roughly translated is “prosperity has arrived home”. The strength in this design is its practicality yet delicate design intricacy


Eugene Chi-Ian Kong, Richer Cheng-Fu Wong

澳門佳作有限公司 │ Website
Macau Creations  Limited